Every Sunday at 9:30am PST, Peace Lutheran Church will stream the entire service live on YouTube!
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Commitment to Anti-Racism
Peace Lutheran Church is committed to study, prayer, and action in order to become an anti-racist congregation. We endeavor to confess, repent of, and dismantle racism wherever it is found – in our hearts, our homes, our congregation, and our community.
Race is a social construct, that is, social meanings ascribed to different racial groups have no basis in biology. The attribution of qualities or characteristics to persons on the basis of race is prejudice. Race prejudice combined with power is racism.
Although it is an invention, racism has long shaped American ideas, behaviors, policies, and practices, reinforcing the disproportionate power of White people while excluding Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC) from authentic belonging and opportunity.
Peace Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation.

God graciously welcomes us into this community, joining us to the body of Christ by the movement of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we welcome…
- People of all races and ethnicities, countries of origin, ancestries, and cultures;
- People of all religious backgrounds, including no religious background;
- People of all gender identities and sexual orientations;
- People with differing physical and/or intellectual abilities;
- People of all ages and from all family structures;
- People who are single, partnered, married, widowed, or divorced;
- People of all economic backgrounds, homeowners, renters, and people without permanent homes;
- People of diverse political views; and
- People with all kinds of gifts and challenges.
You will be honored here.

Pastor Nate Sutton
Peace Lutheran Church is not just a historic building. We are a community of sinner-saints who gather every week around a word of hope and a sacred meal. We are strangers and acquaintances, neighbors and friends, siblings held together by our common dignity and our common needs – the need for connection and a shared story, the need for forgiveness and bread for the journey. God meets us in the midst of it all – and even at our worst – with transformative love. No matter where you are on your journey, no matter your identity or circumstances, you are welcome here.
We invite you to join us!Â