About Us
A landmark in the Puyallup Valley, Peace Lutheran Church was founded by German settlers in 1898. The building was built in 1892 by Ezra Meeker (himself a Unitarian), and we purchased the building in 1900.
Today we are a growing and active congregation celebrating our rich heritage and embracing the future.
Sunday School is offered on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 (during the school year).
We are a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Click here for what we believe.
We worship in a variety of styles at Peace, and they aren’t always at the same time slots every Sunday. Unless otherwise noted, all Sunday services include a celebration of the Eucharist.
We have three music leaders: Joan Linden on organ, Jill Burch on piano, and the Cornerstones praise band. Cornerstones is open to anyone over 14 who wants to learn to lead worship with instrument and/or voice.
Peace Choir and Resounding Joy, a handbell choir, also enrich our worship with their musical gifts.
Give to Peace Lutheran Church online. Click on the button to the left to donate today.
For more information about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, please click here or on the logo above.