Peace Lutheran Church sustains many ministries. If you would like to get involved, please contact us at
Adult Ministries are listed below, but you can click on the Youth link below to scroll down to the bottom of the page.
We have many gifted people who enable our worship to happen regularly and well: our pastor and the music staff; dozens of volunteer musicians; and other volunteers who read scripture, provide bread for Eucharist, set up the table and clean up after our meal, help serve the meal, light candles and assist with offering, greet newcomers, fold bulletins, provide child care, post hymn numbers, provide flowers, change altar cloths and banners, sing the liturgy, and so much more. We follow a traditional liturgical order of worship with several different music settings to enhance the liturgy.
In addition to Sunday morning, on Wednesdays during Advent & Lent we have Holden Evening Prayer after our soup supper; with a noon meal and devotions in Lent. The evening midweek services are always anticipated and well attended. During Holy Week, we have worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday with a Sunrise worship as the first worship on Easter morning.
Resounding Joy hand bell choir provides an anthem or call to worship at both services one Sunday a month during the program year. They rehearse between services to enable more people to participate.

Peace Choir
Peace Choir is a fellowship, a ministry, and a worship element. The choir is made up of people that love to sing, and it is not necessary to read music. We assist worship services with an anthem twice a month, alternating between the 8:15am service and the 10:45am service. The anthems are chosen for melody and message to enhance the worship life of our community. The anthem’s loosely follow the liturgical calendar, but songs are not sung until prepared.
The Peace Choir goal is to built relationships, provide a quality musical experience for its members, and a meaningful experience for the Congregation. Peace Choir is a welcoming ministry with room for singers of all abilities to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
Card Ministry
We send cards to every shut-in and chronically ill person once a month. If they are in need of a little more encouragement we send two. We also send cards to people who have acute issues, new babies, weddings, extra special birthdays and thank you notes as needed. These mailings amount to 25 to 40 cards per month.
Education: Children & Youth
Classes are offered for children ages pre-school to high school. We also have a nursery on-site for kids under 4 to have fun while their older siblings are in class and parents are mingling with other members.
Children’s Chapel starts with songs around 10:40am, followed by story, prayer, and activities.
Care Team
Members serve by making phone calls, visits and sending cards to congregational members who are home-bound.
Hospitality Ministry
Each Sunday the hospitality people at Peace make sure there are snacks to go with our coffee and tea during fellowship times.
Mission Endowment
30% of the gifts are used for outreach in the worldwide community; 30% for outreach in the community; 40% for support of local Peace Lutheran Church outreach. We support a student at the MaaSae Girls’ School in Arusha, Tanzania, the local Emergency Food Network; and scholarships to high school graduates.
Men’s Breakfast
The men of Peace (guests are welcome) gather on the 1st Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall to share breakfast and fellowship. A sign up sheet is always available for those wishing to share their culinary skills with the group.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We share with those people in need of extra prayers. As we knit we pray for the person we are making the shawl. There are many people knitting prayer shawls. It is slow work, we have to gather yarn and some knit faster than others. If you know of someone who needs a prayer shawl now, please let us know and we will make arrangements to get them one. If you would like to be involved we would be happy to have you.
Property Maintenance
The Property Committee keeps busy changing light bulbs; tightening nuts, bolts, and screws; spot painting, cleaning, sorting and recycling; fixing leaks and fixtures; and doing other routine maintenance chores throughout the year. Others join in on scheduled work days to help with “deep cleaning”, special projects and landscape work.
Meet the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursday of each month at 9:15 in the Gathering Space, as well as the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm. Ten to fourteen women gather together for tying quilts, camaraderie, thought for the day and prayer, sharing of recipes, trading books, and discussion of our day to day experiences. No sewing experience is needed because we mainly do tying of the quilts at these sessions. However, we do have bags of squares available for anyone to take home, sew, and then return to the church. We usually distribute at least 150 quilts to local charities and to Lutheran World Relief the first of May and the first of November. Anyone is welcome to join us and supplies needed for tying are available.
Women of the Evangelical Church in America WELCA
Meet for Bible Study the second Wednesday of each month, August thru May, at 9 AM for a morning of bible study, fellowship and refreshments. Special monthly meetings are available during the summer.

Youth Ministries
At Peace Lutheran we believe our youth are not the future of the church – They are the church. We offer programs for both High School and Middle School Youth. We provide worship, educational, recreational, and service opportunities. Our hope is that through our programs we build positive relationships and provide growth in our faith journey.
Youth Leaders
Becky VonWahlde
Mission Statement
As children of God we dedicate ourselves to reaching out to youth and adults in our community. God’s grace joins us together in service, worship and fun!